Sonntag, 17. Januar 2016

Cherkasky Torah Research

Alexander Cherkasky

By working with original Torah text I have made discoveries which are very interesting and unique. 
I have published the book in German Die Informergie (2011, ISBN 978-3-942855-29-7), which is published on my blog
See also my blogs in English and
I discovered, that the Venetian Patent Law of 1474, on which today's patent laws and thus the whole economic development and progress are based, has roots in Exodus 30; 22-33 and 30; 34-38 because of the identical structure of the law: description of a product, prohibition of copying, i.e. of plagiarism and legal punishment (isolation from society) for infringement of prohibition. Thus, not the Venetian Patent Law is the basis for economic growth of the whole civilization, but Torah on which the Venetian Patent Law is based. I.e. the whole economic development and all achievements of today's human civilization are based on Torah!
In addition, I proposed the creation of the Invention Implementation System like the constructing society of ancient Israeli under leadership of Moses, who got descriptions from God and realized them with the group of Betsalel and Aholiav and support of the whole society.
I emphasized, that the role of inventors described in Torah Noah, Josef and Moses is distinguished and descendants of Noah, which like their Biblical fathers, can overcome problems of human kind by using described in the Old Testament organizational solutions the fathers used.

I discovered new Names of God and proposed their new interpretations. One of these interpretations is, that the Three Angels (Men, or Enoshim, Genesis 18;2, One of them carries the Tetragrammaton Name), who visited Abraham, also created Adam, (The Higher Creators Civilization named Angels (HaMelachim)), and rescued Israel from Egyt. Thus the sons of the Angels (Beni HaElohim) have compatible genomes with human (daughters, Benot HaAdam), because human woman bore from Beni HaElohim "Himeh HaGevurim Asher MeAolam Enoshi HaShem" (Loud risers (or individualists, prophets, inventors) who (come) from space (and are) men of The Name God's).
The sons of Creators or men of the Name (Enoshi HaShem) transfered to the children from human daughters so called "king genes", which are also mentioned in Genesis 17;6, 17;16 and 35;11. There is stated, that descendants of Abraham, Sara and Israel will bear kings, which is also revealed by the name Melachiel, (the meaning is God's kings), who is descendant of Asher, son of Jakob (Israel) and the word Asher means also "happy" and is part of the God's Name A-H-Y-H Asher A-H-Y-H (Exodus 3;14). Thus I made the hypothesis, that king's genes exist and are located on Y and/or X chromosomes, (Y because of Abraham and Israel and X because of Sarah).
I made also descoveries based on different translation possibilities of the Torah text. For example the phrase MelachHaElohim written as one word (one text without intervals between words or letters can be divided in different words and the resulting phrases have different translations such as Melach HaElohim (Angel of God), Melacha Elohim (Creation of God) and Mela Ko Elohim (so fills God).
In my other book "Kreative Biologie" (2008, ISBN 978-3-939995-80-7) I proposed to establish and develop new scientific disciplines named by God as He stated His intention to create Adam (in Genesis 1;26). The following sciences must be developed by the created Adam and his descendants: ichtyotronics, (VeYaredo Bo Dagot HaYam, And govern in fishes of the sea), ornitronics, (Ve Yaredo...Bo Of HaShamaim, govern in birds of the sky), mammaliotronics, (Ve Yaredo...Bo Behema, govern in mammalia or cattle), materiotronics and planetronics or planetary engineering, (Ve Yaredo Bo Kol HaErets, govern in whole matter or planet), insectronics or entomotronics as well as reptiliotronics (Ve Yaredo...Bo Kol HaRomes HaRomes Al HaErets). For the development of these sciences Torah proposes the establishment of the System for Implementations of Inventions independently from status of inventors, because Elohi Avotihem is also the God of Noah and God of Noah's descendants, and the God of Israel. Not only Moses, but also Beni Israel (sons of Israel) were named Avad(im) Adonai, i.e. servers of God Israel and as I have shown, this service to God is like Moses as well as Betsalel and Aholiav and their group done, to receive and implement inventions from God.
The whole democracy and democratic order is also based on Torah, (for example in Deuteronomy Dtn 1;17, where is stated, that courts must be independent and do not prefer any side).
The principle to protect environment is also based in Torah, (Leviticus Lev 25,24, protect the earth or Goela Tatano LeErets, give rescue to earth).

On my person:

I was born in 1981 in Zaporoshje, Ukraine, living since 1996 in Germany, am inventor of new anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-viral (to combat viruses both inside and outside of the cells) and anti-autoimmune cures, life-extending fusion proteins, inventions for rejuvenation, cell therapies for regenerations, especially for neural regeneration, high-quality synthetic diamonds and diamond-like materials, high-quality lubricants, innovative metallurgy products, light and solid composite materials, especially new construction materials, efficient batteries as well as I have inventions of new multiparallel diagnostic and fast genome sequencing systems.
My anti-viral and anti-cancer invention published in my international patent application WO2006/136892 was used as basis and cited/referenced both in the European patent application EP2447277 and in the international patent application WO2012055985 (covering new vaccines for HIV/AIDS) of the Spanish company Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve and Spanish research institute Fundacio Privada Institut de Reserca de la SIDA-Caixa. This confirms recognition and quality of my invenitve work.
But, the recognition of my inventive work comprises, in addition to citations by Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve and Fundacio Privada Institut de Reserca de la SIDA-Caixa, also citation of my German patent DE19937512 for fast genome sequencing in the US patent US7163658 of the American inventor Rouvain Bension, citations of my German patent publication DE19953696 for cures for Alzheimer’s disease in the American patentsUS8969310, US8921314, US8853353, US8828949, US8828925, US8710013, US7902156 and US7557182 of the Canadian company Angiochem, citation of my German patent publication DE19822406 for antiprion molecules in the US patent US8034766 of E I du Pont de Nemours and Company and of University College London, citation of my German patent DE19925052 (for gene therapy, to combat viruses and for extension of cell lifes) in two US patents US7999073 of Lonza and US7320859 of Amaxa (a small German firm sold to Lonza) as well as citation of my US patent application US20080242565 for new lubricants based on chemically modified biomasses in the US patent  US8273694 of Californians Jeffrey A. Brown, Joseph A. Duimstra and Jason P. Wells.
For my novel anticancer fusion proteins, I was awarded the Bronze Medal „For Outstanding Achievements“ and the Honorary Certificate of the international inventors competition IENA (Ideen-Erfindungen-Neuheiten, Ideas- Inventions-New Products) 2003 in Nuremberg. IENA is the largest international inventors competition in Germany already over 60 years.
About me and inventions of mine reported media including Stern (The Star), bild der wissenschaft (Picture of Science), Westgerman Newspaper, New Rhein Newspaper and Rhein Post.
Press reported about me since 1999, because in the years 1999 and 2000, as I was student at Goethe-Gymnasium in Dusseldorf, I participated on the youth scientific competition "Youth researches" (Jugend forscht) and presented my inventions of novel fusion protein cures for Alzheimer's disease, autoimmune diseases and cancer. The fusion proteins according to my inventions are able to cleave and neutralize pathogenic (disease-causing or disease-associated) proteins and find and destroy target cancer cells.
I have 9 German patents (including my patents DE19925052, DE10161899 and DE10161738  for anticancer fusion proteins and my patents DE19929530, DE19937512 and DE102008037890 for methods and devices for fast genome sequencing), over 30 German patent applications and 5 US patent applications as well as 5 international patent applications.
The following is the list of my US patent applications:

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